
PREDOMOS study, impact of a social intervention program for socially isolated elderly cancer patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

BACKGROUND: Cancer incidence and social isolation increase along with advanced age, and social isolation potentiates the relative risk of death by cancer. Once spotted, social isolation can be averted with the intervention of a multidisciplinary team. Techniques of automation and remote assistance h...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Crétel-Durand, Elodie, Nouguerède, Emilie, Le Caer, Hervé, Rousseau, Frédérique, Retornaz, Frédérique, Guillem, Olivier, Couderc, Anne-Laure, Greillier, Laurent, Norguet, Emmanuelle, Cécile, Maud, Boulahssass, Rabia, Le Caer, Francoise, Tournier, Sandrine, Butaud, Chantal, Guillet, Pierre, Nahon, Sophie, Poudens, Laure, Kirscher, Sylvie, Loubière, Sandrine, Diaz, Nadine, Dhorne, Jean, Auquier, Pascal, Baumstarck, Karine
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2017
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