
Misplaced Cervical Screws Requiring Reoperation

STUDY DESIGN: A multicenter, retrospective case series. OBJECTIVE: In the past several years, screw fixation of the cervical spine has become commonplace. For the most part, this is a safe, low-risk procedure. While rare, screw backout or misplaced screws can lead to morbidity and increased costs. W...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Peterson, Jeremy C., Arnold, Paul M., Smith, Zachary A., Hsu, Wellington K., Fehlings, Michael G., Hart, Robert A., Hilibrand, Alan S., Nassr, Ahmad, Rahman, Ra’Kerry K., Tannoury, Chadi A., Tannoury, Tony, Mroz, Thomas E., Currier, Bradford L., De Giacomo, Anthony F., Fogelson, Jeremy L., Jobse, Bruce C., Massicotte, Eric M., Riew, K. Daniel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: SAGE Publications 2017
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