
Differential transcript profile of inhibitors with potential anti-venom role in the liver of juvenile and adult Bothrops jararaca snake

BACKGROUND: Snakes belonging to the Bothrops genus are vastly distributed in Central and South America and are responsible for most cases of reported snake bites in Latin America. The clinical manifestations of the envenomation caused by this genus are due to three major activities—proteolytic, hemo...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gomes, Cícera Maria, de Morais-Zani, Karen, Lu, Stephen, Buarque, Diego de Souza, Braz, Glória Regina Cardoso, Grego, Kathleen Fernandes, Tanaka, Aparecida Sadae, Tanaka-Azevedo, Anita Mitico
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: PeerJ Inc. 2017
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