
Are genes encoding proteoglycans really associated with the risk of anterior cruciate ligament rupture?

Proteoglycans are considered integral structural components of tendon and ligament and have been implicated in the resistance of compressive forces, collagen fibrillogenesis, matrix remodelling and cell signalling. Several sequence variants within genes encoding proteoglycans were recently implicate...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Cięszczyk, P, Willard, K, Gronek, P, Zmijewski, P, Trybek, G, Gronek, J, Weber-Rajek, M, Stastny, P, Petr, M, Lulińska-Kuklik, E, Ficek, K, Kemeryte-Riaubiene, E, Maculewicz, E, September, AV
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Institute of Sport in Warsaw 2017
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