
Specific Absorbed Fractions of Internal Photon and Electron Emitters in a Human Voxel-based Phantom: A Monte Carlo Study

The specific absorbed fraction (SAF) of energy is an essential element of internal dose assessment. Here reported a set of SAFs calculated for selected organs of a human voxel-based phantom. The Monte Carlo transport code GATE version 6.1 was used to simulate monoenergetic photons and electrons with...

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Autores principales: Asl, Ruhollah Ghahraman, Parach, Ali Asghar, Nasseri, Shahrokh, Momennezhad, Mehdi, Zakavi, Seyed Rasoul, Sadoughi, Hamid Reza
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Medknow Publications & Media Pvt Ltd 2017
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