
Inhibition of PIKfyve prevents myocardial apoptosis and hypertrophy through activation of SIRT3 in obese mice

PIKfyve is an evolutionarily conserved lipid kinase that regulates pleiotropic cellular functions. Here, we identify PIKfyve as a key regulator of cardiometabolic status and mitochondrial integrity in chronic diet‐induced obesity. In vitro, we show that PIKfyve is critical for the control of mitocho...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tronchere, Helene, Cinato, Mathieu, Timotin, Andrei, Guitou, Laurie, Villedieu, Camille, Thibault, Helene, Baetz, Delphine, Payrastre, Bernard, Valet, Philippe, Parini, Angelo, Kunduzova, Oksana, Boal, Frederic
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2017
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