
Patterning and gastrulation defects caused by the t(w18) lethal are due to loss of Ppp2r1a

The mouse t haplotype, a variant 20 cM genomic region on Chromosome 17, harbors 16 embryonic control genes identified by recessive lethal mutations isolated from wild mouse populations. Due to technical constraints so far only one of these, the t(w5) lethal, has been cloned and molecularly character...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lange, Lisette, Marks, Matthias, Liu, Jinhua, Wittler, Lars, Bauer, Hermann, Piehl, Sandra, Bläß, Gabriele, Timmermann, Bernd, Herrmann, Bernhard G.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Company of Biologists Ltd 2017
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