
Targeting Moderate and Severe Male Stress Urinary Incontinence With Adjustable Male Slings and the Perineal Artificial Urinary Sphincter: Focus on Perioperative Complications and Device Explantations

PURPOSE: To analyze perioperative complications and postoperative explantation rates for selected readjustable male sling systems and the perineal single-cuff artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) in a large, contemporary, multi-institutional patient cohort. METHODS: Two hundred eighty-two male patient...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kretschmer, Alexander, Hüsch, Tanja, Thomsen, Frauke, Kronlachner, Dominik, Obaje, Alice, Anding, Ralf, Pottek, Tobias, Rose, Achim, Olianas, Roberto, Friedl, Alexander, Hübner, Wilhelm, Homberg, Roland, Pfitzenmaier, Jesco, Queissert, Fabian, Naumann, Carsten M., Wotzka, Carola, Hofmann, Torben, Seiler, Roland, Haferkamp, Axel, Bauer, Ricarda M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Korean Continence Society 2017
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