
The invasive shrub Prosopis juliflora enhances the malaria parasite transmission capacity of Anopheles mosquitoes: a habitat manipulation experiment

BACKGROUND: A neglected aspect of alien invasive plant species is their influence on mosquito vector ecology and malaria transmission. Invasive plants that are highly attractive to Anopheles mosquitoes provide them with sugar that is critical to their survival. The effect on Anopheles mosquito popul...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Muller, Gunter C., Junnila, Amy, Traore, Mohamad M., Traore, Sekou F., Doumbia, Seydou, Sissoko, Fatoumata, Dembele, Seydou M., Schlein, Yosef, Arheart, Kristopher L., Revay, Edita E., Kravchenko, Vasiliy D., Witt, Arne, Beier, John C.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2017
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