
Growth of In(x)Ga(1−x)Sb alloy semiconductor at the International Space Station (ISS) and comparison with terrestrial experiments

BACKGROUND: In(x)Ga(1−x)Sb is an important material that has tunable properties in the infrared (IR) region and is suitable for IR-device applications. Since the quality of crystals relies on growth conditions, the growth process of alloy semiconductors can be examined better under microgravity (μG)...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Inatomi, Y, Sakata, K, Arivanandhan, M, Rajesh, G, Nirmal Kumar, V, Koyama, T, Momose, Y, Ozawa, T, Okano, Y, Hayakawa, Y
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group 2015
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