
Generation of spin waves by a train of fs-laser pulses: a novel approach for tuning magnon wavelength

Currently spin waves are considered for computation and data processing as an alternative to charge currents. Generation of spin waves by ultrashort laser pulses provides several important advances with respect to conventional approaches using microwaves. In particular, focused laser spot works as a...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Savochkin, I. V., Jäckl, M., Belotelov, V. I., Akimov, I. A., Kozhaev, M. A., Sylgacheva, D. A., Chernov, A. I., Shaposhnikov, A. N., Prokopov, A. R., Berzhansky, V. N., Yakovlev, D. R., Zvezdin, A. K., Bayer, M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2017
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