
Heritable Bovine Rumen Bacteria Are Phylogenetically Related and Correlated with the Cow’s Capacity To Harvest Energy from Its Feed

Ruminants sustain a long-lasting obligatory relationship with their rumen microbiome dating back 50 million years. In this unique host-microbiome relationship, the host’s ability to digest its feed is completely dependent on its coevolved microbiome. This extraordinary alliance raises questions rega...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sasson, Goor, Kruger Ben-Shabat, Sheerli, Seroussi, Eyal, Doron-Faigenboim, Adi, Shterzer, Naama, Yaacoby, Shamay, Berg Miller, Margret E., White, Bryan A., Halperin, Eran, Mizrahi, Itzhak
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Society for Microbiology 2017
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