
CTD(2) Dashboard: a searchable web interface to connect validated results from the Cancer Target Discovery and Development Network

The Cancer Target Discovery and Development (CTD(2)) Network aims to use functional genomics to accelerate the translation of high-throughput and high-content genomic and small-molecule data towards use in precision oncology. As part of this goal, and to share its conclusions with the research commu...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aksoy, Bülent Arman, Dančík, Vlado, Smith, Kenneth, Mazerik, Jessica N., Ji, Zhou, Gross, Benjamin, Nikolova, Olga, Jaber, Nadia, Califano, Andrea, Schreiber, Stuart L., Gerhard, Daniela S., Hermida, Leandro C., Jagu, Subhashini, Sander, Chris, Floratos, Aris, Clemons, Paul A.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2017
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