
Metagenomic characterization of the effect of feed additives on the gut microbiome and antibiotic resistome of feedlot cattle

In North America, antibiotic feed additives such as monensin and tylosin are added to the finishing diets of feedlot cattle to counter the ill-effects of feeding diets with rapidly digestible carbohydrates. While these feed additives have been proven to improve feed efficiency and reduce liver absce...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Thomas, Milton, Webb, Megan, Ghimire, Sudeep, Blair, Amanda, Olson, Kenneth, Fenske, Gavin John, Fonder, Alex Thomas, Christopher-Hennings, Jane, Brake, Derek, Scaria, Joy
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2017
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