
Resolvins suppress tumor growth and enhance cancer therapy

Cancer therapy reduces tumor burden by killing tumor cells, yet it simultaneously creates tumor cell debris that may stimulate inflammation and tumor growth. Thus, conventional cancer therapy is inherently a double-edged sword. In this study, we show that tumor cells killed by chemotherapy or target...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Sulciner, Megan L., Serhan, Charles N., Gilligan, Molly M., Mudge, Dayna K., Chang, Jaimie, Gartung, Allison, Lehner, Kristen A., Bielenberg, Diane R., Schmidt, Birgitta, Dalli, Jesmond, Greene, Emily R., Gus-Brautbar, Yael, Piwowarski, Julia, Mammoto, Tadanori, Zurakowski, David, Perretti, Mauro, Sukhatme, Vikas P., Kaipainen, Arja, Kieran, Mark W., Huang, Sui, Panigrahy, Dipak
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Rockefeller University Press 2018
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