
Ultrasound-mediated cavitation does not decrease the activity of small molecule, antibody or viral-based medicines

The treatment of cancer using nanomedicines is limited by the poor penetration of these potentially powerful agents into and throughout solid tumors. Externally controlled mechanical stimuli, such as the generation of cavitation-induced microstreaming using ultrasound (US), can provide a means of im...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Myers, Rachel, Grundy, Megan, Rowe, Cliff, Coviello, Christian M, Bau, Luca, Erbs, Philippe, Foloppe, Johann, Balloul, Jean-Marc, Story, Colin, Coussios, Constantin C, Carlisle, Robert
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Dove Medical Press 2018
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