
Ectoparasitic copepod infestation on a wild population of Neotropical catfish Sciades herzbergii Bloch, 1794: Histological evidences of lesions on host

We analyzed the infestation of the attached copepod species Lepeophtheirus sp on a wild population of Sciades herzbergii. The infestation and occurrence of attached copepods were related to body size, maturity and sex of host and the presence of lesions on fish skin were described. In 61 fish specim...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fogel, Deborah, Fuentes, José Luis, Soto, Luz Marina, Lafuente, Wilson, Moncayo-Estrada, Rodrigo, López, Carlos
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Elsevier 2017
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