
A mouse model of the schizophrenia-associated 1q21.1 microdeletion syndrome exhibits altered mesolimbic dopamine transmission

1q21.1 hemizygous microdeletion is a copy number variant leading to eightfold increased risk of schizophrenia. In order to investigate biological alterations induced by this microdeletion, we generated a novel mouse model (Df(h1q21)/+) and characterized it in a broad test battery focusing on schizop...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nielsen, Jacob, Fejgin, Kim, Sotty, Florence, Nielsen, Vibeke, Mørk, Arne, Christoffersen, Claus T., Yavich, Leonid, Lauridsen, Jes B., Clausen, Dorte, Larsen, Peter H., Egebjerg, Jan, Werge, Thomas M., Kallunki, Pekka, Christensen, Kenneth V., Didriksen, Michael
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2017
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