
An evaluation tool for Myofascial Adhesions in Patients after Breast Cancer (MAP-BC evaluation tool): Concurrent, face and content validity

PURPOSE: To investigate the concurrent, face and content validity of an evaluation tool for Myofascial Adhesions in Patients after Breast Cancer (MAP-BC evaluation tool). METHODS: 1) Concurrent validity of the MAP-BC evaluation tool was investigated by exploring correlations (Spearman’s rank Correla...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: De Groef, An, Van Kampen, Marijke, Moortgat, Peter, Anthonissen, Mieke, Van den Kerckhove, Eric, Christiaens, Marie-Rose, Neven, Patrick, Geraerts, Inge, Devoogdt, Nele
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2018
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