
Surgically Diagnosed Primary Hepatic Angiosarcoma

Primary hepatic angiosarcoma is a rare tumor originating from endothelial cells in the liver and accounts for approximately 1% of all hepatic malignant tumors. It is difficult to diagnose due to the lack of specific symptoms or tumor markers. No effective treatment exists, but complete surgical rese...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tsunematsu, Seiji, Muto, Shuichi, Oi, Hiroki, Naka, Tomoaki, Kitagataya, Takashi, Sasaki, Rui, Taya, Yoko, Baba, Urara, Tsukamoto, Yuki, Uemura, Kazuhito, Kimura, Toshio, Ohara, Yukio
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine 2017
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