
Capacity building for health inequality monitoring in Indonesia: enhancing the equity orientation of country health information systems

Background: Inequalities in health represent a major problem in many countries, including Indonesia. Addressing health inequality is a central component of the Sustainable Development Goals and a priority of the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO provides technical support for health inequality mo...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Hosseinpoor, Ahmad Reza, Nambiar, Devaki, Tawilah, Jihane, Schlotheuber, Anne, Briot, Benedicte, Bateman, Massee, Davey, Tamzyn, Kusumawardani, Nunik, Myint, Theingi, Nuryetty, Mariet Tetty, Prasetyo, Sabarinah, Suparmi, Floranita, Rustini
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Taylor & Francis 2018
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