
The role of the clinician in the multi-omics era: are you ready?

Since Garrod’s first description of alkaptonuria in 1902, and newborn screening for phenylketonuria introduced in the 1960s, P4 medicine (preventive, predictive, personalized, and participatory) has been a reality for the clinician serving patients with inherited metabolic diseases. The era of high-...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: van Karnebeek, Clara D. M., Wortmann, Saskia B., Tarailo-Graovac, Maja, Langeveld, Mirjam, Ferreira, Carlos R., van de Kamp, Jiddeke M., Hollak, Carla E., Wasserman, Wyeth W., Waterham, Hans R., Wevers, Ron A., Haack, Tobias B., Wanders, Ronald J.A., Boycott, Kym M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer Netherlands 2018
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