
A systematic review of the risk factors for clinical response to opioids for all-age patients with cancer-related pain and presentation of the paediatric STOP pain study

BACKGROUND: Inter-patient variability in response to opioids is well known but a comprehensive definition of its pathophysiological mechanism is still lacking and, more importantly, no studies have focused on children. The STOP Pain project aimed to evaluate the risk factors that contribute to clini...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lucenteforte, Ersilia, Vagnoli, Laura, Pugi, Alessandra, Crescioli, Giada, Lombardi, Niccolò, Bonaiuti, Roberto, Aricò, Maurizio, Giglio, Sabrina, Messeri, Andrea, Mugelli, Alessandro, Vannacci, Alfredo, Maggini, Valentina
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2018
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