
Study protocol of a multicenter randomized controlled trial of mindfulness training to reduce burnout and promote quality of life in police officers: the POLICE study

BACKGROUND: Police officers experience a high degree of chronic stress. Policing ranks among the highest professions in terms of disease and accident rates. Mental health is particularly impacted, evidenced by elevated rates of burnout, anxiety and depression, and poorer quality of life than the gen...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Trombka, Marcelo, Demarzo, Marcelo, Bacas, Daniel Campos, Antonio, Sonia Beira, Cicuto, Karen, Salvo, Vera, Claudino, Felipe Cesar Almeida, Ribeiro, Letícia, Christopher, Michael, Garcia-Campayo, Javier, Rocha, Neusa Sica
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2018
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