
Efficacy of a new cancer treatment strategy based on eradication of tumor-initiating stem cells in a mouse model of Krebs-2 solid adenocarcinoma

Krebs-2 solid carcinoma was cured using a new “3+1” strategy for eradication of Krebs-2 tumor-initiating stem cells. This strategy was based on synchronization of these cells in a treatment-sensitive phase of the cell cycle. The synchronization mechanism, subsequent destruction of Krebs-2 tumor-init...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Potter, Ekaterina A., Proskurina, Anastasia S., Ritter, Genrikh S., Dolgova, Evgenia V., Nikolin, Valeriy P., Popova, Nelly A., Taranov, Oleg S., Efremov, Yaroslav R., Bayborodin, Sergey I., Ostanin, Aleksandr A., Chernykh, Elena R., Kolchanov, Nikolay A., Bogachev, Sergey S.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Impact Journals LLC 2018
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