
Additional germline findings from a tumor profiling program

BACKGROUND: Matched tumor-normal sequencing, applied in precision cancer medicine, can identify unidentified germline Medically Actionable Variants (gMAVS) in cancer predisposition genes. We report patient preferences for the return of additional germline results, and describe various gMAV scenarios...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Stjepanovic, Neda, Stockley, Tracy L., Bedard, Philippe L., McCuaig, Jeanna M., Aronson, Melyssa, Holter, Spring, Semotiuk, Kara, Leighl, Natasha B., Jang, Raymond, Krzyzanowska, Monika K., Oza, Amit M., Gupta, Abha, Elser, Christine, Ahmed, Lailah, Wang, Lisa, Kamel-Reid, Suzanne, Siu, Lillian L., Kim, Raymond H.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2018
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