
Shedding of CD16 disassembles the NK cell immune synapse and boosts serial engagement of target cells

Natural Killer (NK) cells can engage multiple virally infected or tumor cells sequentially and deliver perforin for cytolytic killing of these targets. Using microscopy to visualize degranulation from individual NK cells, we found that repeated activation via the Fc receptor CD16 decreased the amoun...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Srpan, Katja, Ambrose, Ashley, Karampatzakis, Alexandros, Saeed, Mezida, Cartwright, Adam N.R., Guldevall, Karolin, De Matos, Gabriela Dos Santos Cruz, Önfelt, Björn, Davis, Daniel M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Rockefeller University Press 2018
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