
Utilization of dried blood spot specimens can expedite nationwide surveillance of HIV drug resistance in resource-limited settings

INTRODUCTION: Surveillance of HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) is crucial to ensuring the continued success of antiretroviral therapy (ART) programs. With the concern of reduced genotyping sensitivity of HIV on dried blood spots (DBS), DBS for HIVDR surveillance have been limited to ART-naïve populations...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zhang, Guoqing, DeVos, Joshua, Medina-Moreno, Sandra, Wagar, Nicholas, Diallo, Karidia, Beard, R. Suzanne, Zheng, Du-Ping, Mwachari, Christine, Riwa, Carolyn, Jullu, Boniface, Wangari, Ngugi Evelyn, Kibona, Mary S., Ng'Ang'A, Lucy W., Raizes, Elliot, Yang, Chunfu
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2018
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