
A Modular Assembly of Spinal Cord–Like Tissue Allows Targeted Tissue Repair in the Transected Spinal Cord

Tissue engineering–based neural construction holds promise in providing organoids with defined differentiation and therapeutic potentials. Here, a bioengineered transplantable spinal cord–like tissue (SCLT) is assembled in vitro by simulating the white matter and gray matter composition of the spina...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lai, Bi‐Qin, Feng, Bo, Che, Ming‐Tian, Wang, Lai‐Jian, Cai, Song, Huang, Meng‐Yao, Gu, Huai‐Yu, Jiang, Bing, Ling, Eng‐Ang, Li, Meng, Zeng, Xiang, Zeng, Yuan‐Shan
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2018
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