
Metabolic Capability and Phylogenetic Diversity of Mono Lake during a Bloom of the Eukaryotic Phototroph Picocystis sp. Strain ML

Algal blooms in lakes are often associated with anthropogenic eutrophication; however, they can occur without the human introduction of nutrients to a lake. A rare bloom of the alga Picocystis sp. strain ML occurred in the spring of 2016 at Mono Lake, a hyperalkaline lake in California, which was al...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Stamps, Blake W., Nunn, Heather S., Petryshyn, Victoria A., Oremland, Ronald S., Miller, Laurence G., Rosen, Michael R., Bauer, Kohen W., Thompson, Katharine J., Tookmanian, Elise M., Waldeck, Anna R., Loyd, Sean J., Johnson, Hope A., Stevenson, Bradley S., Berelson, William M., Corsetti, Frank A., Spear, John R.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: American Society for Microbiology 2018
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