
Non-secreting pituitary tumours characterised by enhanced expression of YAP/TAZ

Tumours of the anterior pituitary can manifest from all endocrine cell types but the mechanisms for determining their specification are not known. The Hippo kinase cascade is a crucial signalling pathway regulating growth and cell fate in numerous organs. There is mounting evidence implicating this...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Xekouki, Paraskevi, Lodge, Emily J, Matschke, Jakob, Santambrogio, Alice, Apps, John R, Sharif, Ariane, Jacques, Thomas S, Aylwin, Simon, Prevot, Vincent, Li, Ran, Flitsch, Jörg, Bornstein, Stefan R, Theodoropoulou, Marily, Andoniadou, Cynthia L
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Bioscientifica Ltd 2018
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