
Lack of modulatory effect of the SCN5A R1193Q polymorphism on cardiac fast Na(+) current at body temperature

SCN5A encodes the main subunit of the Na(V)1.5 channel, which mediates the fast Na(+) current responsible for generating cardiac action potentials. The single nucleotide polymorphism SCN5A(R1193Q), which results in an amino acid replacement in the subunit, is common in East Asia. SCN5A(R1193Q) is of...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Abe, Masayoshi, Kinoshita, Koshi, Matsuoka, Kenta, Nakada, Takahito, Miura, Kimiaki, Hata, Yukiko, Nishida, Naoki, Tabata, Toshihide
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Public Library of Science 2018
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