
546. No Difference in MK-8591 and Doravirine Pharmacokinetics After Co-Administration

BACKGROUND: MK-8591 is a novel, highly potent, nucleoside reverse transcriptase translocation inhibitor (NRTTI) that is in development for the treatment of HIV-1 infection. MK-8591 is not expected to be a perpetrator or victim of drug–drug interactions (DDI), as it does not interact with renal or he...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Matthews, Randolph, Rudd, Deanne, Fillgrove, Kerry, Fox-Bosetti, Sabrina, Levine, Vanessa, Zhang, Sandra, Tomek, Charles, Stoch, Aubrey, Iwamoto, Marian
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2018
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