
Is xylem of angiosperm leaves less resistant to embolism than branches? Insights from microCT, hydraulics, and anatomy

According to the hydraulic vulnerability segmentation hypothesis, leaves are more vulnerable to decline of hydraulic conductivity than branches, but whether stem xylem is more embolism resistant than leaves remains unclear. Drought-induced embolism resistance of leaf xylem was investigated based on...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Klepsch, Matthias, Zhang, Ya, Kotowska, Martyna M, Lamarque, Laurent J, Nolf, Markus, Schuldt, Bernhard, Torres-Ruiz, José M, Qin, De-Wen, Choat, Brendan, Delzon, Sylvain, Scoffoni, Christine, Cao, Kun-Fang, Jansen, Steven
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2018
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