
Hemocyanin facilitates lignocellulose digestion by wood-boring marine crustaceans

Woody (lignocellulosic) plant biomass is an abundant renewable feedstock, rich in polysaccharides that are bound into an insoluble fiber composite with lignin. Marine crustacean woodborers of the genus Limnoria are among the few animals that can survive on a diet of this recalcitrant material withou...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Besser, Katrin, Malyon, Graham P., Eborall, William S., Paro da Cunha, Giovanni, Filgueiras, Jefferson G., Dowle, Adam, Cruz Garcia, Lourdes, Page, Samuel J., Dupree, Ray, Kern, Marcelo, Gomez, Leonardo D., Li, Yi, Elias, Luisa, Sabbadin, Federico, Mohamad, Shaza E., Pesante, Giovanna, Steele-King, Clare, Ribeiro de Azevedo, Eduardo, Polikarpov, Igor, Dupree, Paul, Cragg, Simon M., Bruce, Neil C., McQueen-Mason, Simon J.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2018
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