
MicroRNA Expression is Associated with Sepsis Disorders in Critically Ill Polytrauma Patients

A critically ill polytrauma patient is one of the most complex cases to be admitted to the intensive care unit, due to both the primary traumatic complications and the secondary post-traumatic interactions. From a molecular, genetic, and epigenetic point of view, numerous biochemical interactions ar...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Rogobete, Alexandru Florin, Sandesc, Dorel, Bedreag, Ovidiu Horea, Papurica, Marius, Popovici, Sonia Elena, Bratu, Tiberiu, Popoiu, Calin Marius, Nitu, Razvan, Dragomir, Tiberiu, I. M. AAbed, Hazzaa, Ivan, Mihaela Viviana
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: MDPI 2018
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