
Induction of antibacterial proteins and peptides in the coprophilous mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea in response to bacteria

Bacteria are the main nutritional competitors of saprophytic fungi during colonization of their ecological niches. This competition involves the mutual secretion of antimicrobials that kill or inhibit the growth of the competitor. Over the last years it has been demonstrated that fungi respond to th...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kombrink, Anja, Tayyrov, Annageldi, Essig, Andreas, Stöckli, Martina, Micheller, Sebastian, Hintze, John, van Heuvel, Yasemin, Dürig, Natalia, Lin, Chia-wei, Kallio, Pauli T., Aebi, Markus, Künzler, Markus
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2018
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