
Structural basis for inhibition of a response regulator of σ(S) stability by a ClpXP antiadaptor

The stationary phase promoter specificity subunit σ(S) (RpoS) is delivered to the ClpXP machinery for degradation dependent on the adaptor RssB. This adaptor-specific degradation of σ(S) provides a major point for regulation and transcriptional reprogramming during the general stress response. RssB...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Dorich, Victoria, Brugger, Christiane, Tripathi, Arti, Hoskins, Joel R., Tong, Song, Suhanovsky, Margaret M., Sastry, Amita, Wickner, Sue, Gottesman, Susan, Deaconescu, Alexandra M.
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2019
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