
Syndromic surveillance of potentially epidemic infectious diseases: Detection of a measles epidemic in two health centers in Gabon, Central Africa

Measles is a respiratory disease caused by the measles virus (MV) belonging to the Paramyxovirus family and the Morbillivirus genus. Due to a failure in maintaining immunization coverage in some countries, measles is a re-emerging disease in the human population, especially in Africa. The aim of thi...

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Autores principales: Sir-Ondo-Enguier, Pater Noster, Ngoungou, Edgard Brice, Nghomo, Yves-Noel, Boundenga, Larson, Moupiga-Ndong, Priscille, IBINGA, Euloge, Deparis, Xavier, Lékana-Douki, Jean-Bernard
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: PAGEPress Publications, Pavia, Italy 2019
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