
SUN-486 Central Role of Gonadotropin Inducible Ovarian Transcription Factor 1 (Giot1) on Ingestive Behaviour

Giot1 is a kruppel-type zinc finger protein induced by gonadotropin in teca cells of the ovary and also identified in the central nervous system areas related with hydroeletrolitic and energy homeostasis. Osmotic challenges induce simultaneously an increase in the Giot1 and AVP mRNA expressions in t...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Terra dos Santos, Ana Luiza, Reis, Wagner, Lima, Juliana, De Araújo, Leonardo, Greenwood, Michael, Domingues, Juliana, Murphy, David, Elias, Lucila, Antunes-Rodrigues, Jose
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Endocrine Society 2019
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