
SUN-257 Adherence Rates to Growth Hormone Therapy: ECOS Study Analysis of Australian Data Compared with Global Adherence Rates

Background: The ECOS observational study was a long term, multicentre, observational study that looked at assessing the level of adherence to paediatric patients’ prescribed recombinant GH (r-hGH) Saizen (somatropin) via the Easypod® electromechanical auto-injector device, and to then further analys...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Reakes, Shannon, Lafferty, Antony, Harris, Mark, Noud, Marina, Harding, Anton, Brialie, Forster, Stewart, Karen, Grant, Maree, Koledova, Ekaterina
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Endocrine Society 2019
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