
Community-driven roadmap for integrated disease maps

The Disease Maps Project builds on a network of scientific and clinical groups that exchange best practices, share information and develop systems biomedicine tools. The project aims for an integrated, highly curated and user-friendly platform for disease-related knowledge. The primary focus of dise...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ostaszewski, Marek, Gebel, Stephan, Kuperstein, Inna, Mazein, Alexander, Zinovyev, Andrei, Dogrusoz, Ugur, Hasenauer, Jan, Fleming, Ronan M T, Le Novère, Nicolas, Gawron, Piotr, Ligon, Thomas, Niarakis, Anna, Nickerson, David, Weindl, Daniel, Balling, Rudi, Barillot, Emmanuel, Auffray, Charles, Schneider, Reinhard
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2018
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