
Outcomes for Pressure Ulcer Trials (OUTPUTs): protocol for the development of a core domain set for trials evaluating the clinical efficacy or effectiveness of pressure ulcer prevention interventions

BACKGROUND: Core outcome sets (COS) are being developed in many clinical areas to increase the quality and comparability of clinical trial results as well as to ensure their relevance for patients. A COS represents an agreed standardized set of outcomes that describes the minimum that should be cons...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Lechner, Anna, Kottner, Jan, Coleman, Susanne, Muir, Delia, Bagley, Heather, Beeckman, Dimitri, Chaboyer, Wendy, Cuddigan, Janet, Moore, Zena, Rutherford, Claudia, Schmitt, Jochen, Nixon, Jane, Balzer, Katrin
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2019
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