
Prediction of advanced colonic neoplasm in symptomatic patients: a scoring system to prioritize colonoscopy (COLONOFIT study)

BACKGROUND: Fast-track colonoscopy to detect patients with colorectal cancer based on high-risk symptoms is associated with low sensitivity and specificity. The aim was to derive a predictive score of advanced colonic neoplasia in symptomatic patients in fast-track programs. METHODS: All patients re...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Fernández-Bañares, Fernando, Clèries, Ramon, Boadas, Jaume, Ribes, Josepa, Oliva, Joan Carles, Alsius, Antoni, Sanz, Xavier, Martínez-Bauer, Eva, Galter, Sara, Pujals, Mar, Pujol, Marta, del Pozo, Patricia, Campo, Rafel
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2019
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