
The N-fixing legume Periandra mediterranea constrains the invasion of an exotic grass (Melinis minutiflora P. Beauv) by altering soil N cycling

Melinis minutiflora is an invasive species that threatens the biodiversity of the endemic vegetation of the campo rupestre biome in Brazil, displacing the native vegetation and favouring fire spread. As M. minutiflora invasion has been associated with a high nitrogen (N) demand, we assessed changes...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Nogueira, Carina B., Menéndez, Esther, Ramírez-Bahena, Martha Helena, Velázquez, Encarna, Peix, Álvaro, Mateos, Pedro F., Scotti, Maria Rita
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Nature Publishing Group UK 2019
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