
Resorption of the calcium phosphate layer on S53P4 bioactive glass by osteoclasts

Clinically, S53P4 bioactive glass (BAG) has shown very promising results in bone infection treatment, but it is also known to degrade very slowly in vivo. To evaluate which mechanisms (cellular or dissolution) can play a role in the degradation of S53P4 BAG and S53P4 BAG putty, in vitro degradation...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: van Gestel, Nicole A. P., Schuiringa, Gerke H., Hennissen, Juul H. P. H., Delsing, Anneke C. A., Ito, Keita, van Rietbergen, Bert, Arts, Jacobus J., Hofmann, Sandra
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Springer US 2019
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