
Multiplex qPCR facilitates identification of betaherpesviruses in patients with acute liver failure of unknown etiology

BACKGROUND: The etiology of acute liver failure (ALF) is often unknown and reported to be associated with herpesviruses in a number of cases. In this study, we examined for betaherpesviruses infections in patients with ALF of unknown etiology using a multiplex qPCR to Betaherpesviruses subfamily. ME...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Raposo, Jéssica Vasques, Alves, Arthur Daniel Rocha, dos Santos da Silva, Alexandre, dos Santos, Damião Carlos, Melgaço, Juliana Gil, Moreira, Otacílio C., Pinto, Marcelo Alves, de Paula, Vanessa Salete
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: BioMed Central 2019
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