
Program Impact Pathway Analysis Reveals Implementation Challenges that Limited the Incentive Value of Conditional Cash Transfers Aimed at Improving Maternal and Child Health Care Use in Mali

BACKGROUND: The program “Santé Nutritionnelle à Assise Communautaire à Kayes” (SNACK) in Mali aimed to improve child linear growth through a set of interventions targeted to mothers and children during pregnancy and up to the child's second birthday. Distributions of cash to mothers and/or lipi...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Le Port, Agnes, Zongrone, Amanda, Savy, Mathilde, Fortin, Sonia, Kameli, Yves, Sessou, Eric, Diatta, Ampa Dogui, Koulidiati, Jean-Louis, Kodjo, Niamké Ezoua, Kamayera, Fainke, Mahamadou, Tanimoune, Martin-Prevel, Yves, Ruel, Marie T
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2019
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