
1634. A Mobile Application for Management and Surveillance of Vector-borne Diseases in Cali, Colombia: An Evaluation of Usability and Acceptability in a Hospital Setting

BACKGROUND: Vector-borne diseases are a public health problem in Colombia, an area that has become hyperendemic for dengue virus. This situation has been aggravated by the introduction of other arboviruses such as chikungunya and Zika in the last 3 years. Mobile health (mHealth) offers new strategie...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Rodriguez, Sarita, Sanz, Ana M, Llano, Gonzalo, Navarro, Andres, Parra-Lara, Luis Gabriel, Krystosik, Amy, Rosso, Fernando
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2019
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