
2484. Patient Reported Outcomes After Switching to a 2-Drug Regimen of Dolutegravir + Rilpivirine: Week 148 Results from the Sword-1 and Sword-2 Studies

BACKGROUND: The SWORD-1 and SWORD-2 studies previously demonstrated that high rates of virologic suppression were maintained for 148 weeks after switching virologically suppressed HIV-1 infected adults from their current 3- or 4-drug antiretroviral regimen (CAR) to the 2-drug regimen (2DR) of dolute...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Oglesby, Alan, Angelis, Kostas, Punekar, Yogesh, Chounta, Vasiliki, Antela, Antonio, Matthews, Jessica, Kahl, Lesley, Gartland, Martin, Wynne, Brian, Murray, Miranda, Andre Van Wyk, Jean
Formato: Online Artículo Texto
Publicado: Oxford University Press 2019
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